Saintia Shô : chapitre 69

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Saintia Shô : chapitre 69

Message par Sagittarius67 »

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Titre du chapitre : cœur indestructible

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Re: Saintia Shô : chapitre 69

Message par Sagittarius67 »

résumé du chapitre en anglais :
Aiolia x Hismina

Aiolia is sure he won the battle, but Hysminae is still standing, for his surprise. She says his attacks ("fast lighty punches") won't cause her any fatal wound because, since he was hit by her Serrated Blade, he isn't able to use all his powers. A slash wound suddenly appears on his ar (a "burning" one, according to him), and Hysminae explains that her blade touches the blood of those with a "flame of conflict" similar to hers, but the human body isn't able to stand the "slashing heat" of this "blood of conflict" and then the flesh cells starts to rip. Aiolia is agonizing in pain, feeling as if all hi body was burning, and Hysminae prepares another Serrated Blade to end the fight (according to her, he would die anyway once the blood goes through all his body), but he ends up hitting her and a lot of blood starts spilling out of his wounds, because he "expelled" all of the "blood of conflict" from his body through this. She is impressed that he doesn't care about the high risk of dying from blood loss in order to win the fight, she calls him a "model warrior". He tells her that this is what Saints do and it's far different from those who "fight for fun". She disappears but says they will meet again face-to-face in a "whole new world".

Mii x Horcos

The second part of this chapter is Mii's showtime. She feels the kanzashii near and sees someone approaching. The person is some guy wearing a suit. He asks her if she is also lost at that place, and she's a bit confused about the unexpected question. He explains, a bit ashamed, that he was coming back home from a party and, suddenly, he was there at that unknown place. He tries to start a conversation with her (it looks a bit he's trying to flirt, to be honest). Mii is a bit suspicious it might be an illusion or something like that, but she realizes he seems to out of place and he also doesn't look like acting. She seems to notice he's a bit familiar, and so does he, but then, something is coming, affirming to hate sinners. It's Horkos, the dryad in charge for that Oath Lake, telling them the price for forgetting an oath before fulfilling it is their own lives. This is the worst sin that could invade Horkos' "garden" and the dryad also states that the other part of the oath (the guy in the suit) was also brought to that place since only one life would not be enough, both parties need to pay. The guy then asks Mii if they made an oath... Then he realizes she's Alicia, and she realizes he's Edward. We see a brief flashback of them holding hands and playing maybe. Horkos says it's no use to try giving excuses, they will be punished and the place starts to crumble. Edward tries to protect Alicia (even though he knows she's wearing some sort of armour). As it's a lake, once the floor crumbles, they fall in the water. Alicia feels guilty for envolving him in the battle, especially considering he was a kind and a "peace-lover"(he protected her from a dog when they were younger). We see another brief flashack, with Edward saying something like "Alicia... In the future, we will..." while giving her a flower bouquet. Despite not fulfilling the oath, Alicia wants to take him back to the Earth safely.
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Grand Pope
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Re: Saintia Shô : chapitre 69

Message par Sagittarius67 »

Les images arrivent au compte-goutte:

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Source: Taizen StS

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Re: Saintia Shô : chapitre 69

Message par O'neill »

A noter qu'une Dryade tient enfin tête à un Gold!!! :pouce:

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Re: Saintia Shô : chapitre 69

Message par Sagittarius67 »

et les scans :
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O'neill a écrit :A noter qu'une Dryade tient enfin tête à un Gold!!! :pouce:
Et il semblerait même que le combat ne soit pas vraiment fini dans ce chapitre. :shock:

dark saint celeris
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Re: Saintia Shô : chapitre 69

Message par dark saint celeris »

A mon avis , je pense que la dryade Hysminai a été vaincu par Aiolia . Par-contre , elle a réussi a lui infligé de terribles blessures . Je pense que l'ami d'enfance de Mii va devenir une dryade .


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